Questions and Answers

1. What is calibration:

A. Calibration (also Cal) is the process of weighing a known weight on a scale and noting the discrepancy (if any) on the display. Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system. The set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between the values of quantities indicated by a measuring instrument and the corresponding values realized by reference standards.

2. How can I determine my scale’s repeatability?

A. Repeatability also Accuracy  is a scale's ability to show consistent results under the same conditions. To determine a scale's repeatability, a test weight should be weighed ten or more times in a consistent manner. The resulting values are recorded and used to calculate the standard deviation. This standard deviation value is used to express repeatability.

3. How do I determine what capacity I need?

A. This is the maximum weight that can be measured using a particular scale. When selecting a scale, the heaviest item you plan to weigh should be within the scale's maximum capacity. It is a good idea to select a scale with slightly more capacity than you will need, to avoid overloading. However, the higher the capacity is on a scale, the lower the readability typically will be. Therefore, you should avoid selecting a scale with a capacity to much higher than the heaviest item you intend to weigh. (Example: “I need to weigh something 100gx0.01g.” Get a scale that weighs 150gx0.01g or 200gx0.01g.)

4. What does the term “LEGAL FOR TRADE / NTEP indicate?

A. NTEP is a program administered by NCWM for evaluating weighing devices for their conformity to Scales that pass NTEP certification are deemed “legal for trade” and can be used in commercial transactions based on weight. When a device is submitted to NTEP, extensive testing is performed to ensure it passes accuracy tests and meets the specifications listed by the manufacturer. A Certificate of Conformance is issued to a scale manufacturer upon successful completion of testing. You can search the complete database of issued Certificates of Conformance by following this link:

5. Why does my scale jump before I weigh my objects?

A. This indicates that the scale is in need of a calibration with the correct amount of weight. This may also occur when the scale starts to fluctuate by a constant amount. You can avoid this error by using the re-zero/tare function before performing a weighing.

6. Why does my display screen / Indicator give an error code?

A. Error codes vary depending on the manufacturer. Please refer to your user manual or to the manufacturer for details on your specific error code. Most manufacturers have manuals or error code help on their websites. If not, call the specific manufacturer of your scale.

Although, the problem could be that the weight sensor may be faulty and is registering a reading when it shouldn't perhaps, or the homerun cable, control board, indicator, or load cell have developed a fault or short. Check each item of equipment to ensure that the scale is operating at optimal performance.

Though, it’s most common for homerun cables to become damaged if they are run along the ground between your scale and indicator/display. Check this first for damage. If it has been run over by a forklift causing it to be pinched or crushed. If the cable has been pulled on and isn’t connecting to the junction box.

7. Why does my display show UNsT?

A. This is usually the case when the sensors that are at the platform are malfunctioning. It can be one or two of them, or possibly all of them. One thing is for sure, if one of them is malfunctioning, these error messages will show on your display screen.